According to recent news, falling trees are an underreported deadly cause of concern for United States citizens. There is little research and statistics on tree damage because weather agencies track deaths from winds and cyclones in which trees fall.
However, dead trees can be a major concern because of their weak limbs and structure. You must call dead tree removal services to cut the tree from your property lest it falls on your car, house, or children and causes damage.
Here are some dangers of dead trees you should know:
Dead Trees Can Do Extensive Property Damage
If the dead tree grows close to your home’s walls, it may damage your home during a storm. It’s a hazard for you and your family because it can injure or kill someone inside the house. And even if someone isn’t injured in the fall, it can cost thousands of dollars to repair the property damage to your home. And if the tree falls onto the neighbor’s property, you’ll most likely be responsible for the damage.
They Can Damage Power Lines
If your tree has spread out its canopy and grows much taller than the power lines, it can damage them if it falls over during a storm. It can cut off your and your neighbors’ power, putting you and your neighborhood at risk.
If one of your neighbors depends on electric-powered medical devices to survive, they’ll be in danger of dying because of the power outage. So, if your dead tree is too close to the power lines call dead tree removal services immediately. They’re trained professionals who can navigate the power line and have the proper safety equipment to deal with the issue.

They Can Injure People
Dead trees no longer receive nutrients and moisture from the roots, becoming brittle and prone to snapping at a moment’s notice. Therefore, due to strong winds, branches and tree limbs can snap and fall, injuring property or someone below. In this case, you may end up paying for the damages to the injured party.
To prevent this from happening, proactively call dead tree removal services as soon as you see your starting to die. Also, never attempt to remove a tree on your own. Tree trimming and removal services have specialized training and equipment to handle the job and prevent danger to their lives and your property in the process.
Hire Professional Tree Trimming Services In Deltona, Florida
Dead trees won’t immediately pose a risk to your safety if they’ve recently died. However, with time they’ll decay to a point where it’s too risky to have them on your property. We suggest that you don’t wait to get them removed. Reach out to us today at Clayton’s Quality Tree Services LLC for emergency tree removal services.
We also provide tree-cutting and trimming services if you have overgrown tree limbs interfering with your power lines. Call us today to get a quote for our tree services.